Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why I Like Little People

The boyfriend's mom saved all of his and his sister's Fisher-Price Little People sets. I guess she realized how much toddlers loved these sets so the ended up with about seven or eight. When she brought out the tub last week, L. went silent. She spent about an hour playing with them. I had never seen her so focused on one activity for so long.

We brought two sets home and she played with them this past "weekend" all three days. Not for the whole time, but a good majority. We can just turn on the Pandora station (our favorite is the Yo Gabba Gabba, and by "our," I mean I like it I think more than L.), and I can tell her, "What are your Little People doing?" And she'll run over and have them walking along the Main Street set and then go to the school set, mostly to slide down the slide and ride the see-saw.

At 6:30 in the morning, I was so happy she wanted to play with Little People
so I could happily sit on the couch wrapped up in my blanket, just counting
down the hours until nap time.

She began having them have conversations, but in L.-Babble, not English. So I don't really know what's going on in their world, but L. does. And, even when the boyfriend went to work on Wednesday, she named one of her Little People after him and played with him.

Now, these are the sets from the '80s, and, according to this article, sets made before 1991 were deemed a choking hazard enough to change the figures, but L. has shown no interest in putting them in her mouth. If she does show any, we will quickly find replacements using the new bigger Little People.

Little People, Little Man.
It does, however, look like he's waiting to attack them,
like a giant monster cat.
But, for now, L.'s fascination with acting out the world around her has led to hours of watching her with amazement at how focused she can be and how imaginative she is.

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