From the Self-Evident Supermom household to yours, have a very happy new year!
It's as if she's mocking me, saying, "Oh, you fool, you think 2 is bad? Wait." |
This year will bring a new job (surprise, surprise!), a new schedule for both me and L., the dreaded Terrible 3s (3 is the new 2,
have you heard?), potty training (ugh, eventually), a wedding, L. starting school and, hopefully, more topics to write on and more productivity, all while trying to maintain simplicity.
Every year, I make 10 resolutions. I figure I have chance to keep at least one.
Before I set my goals for 2014, I'd like to just take a minute to list my accomplishments of 2013. Not for bragging purposes, but as inspiration that sometimes, despite what my inner critic thinks, I can do it!